
Tugas Terakhir : Softskill Bahasa Inggris

1.        The teacher made Alex _____ (leave) the room. To leave, because “made” is a past therefore the word leave don’t need to be modified, only needs to be added to 2.        Megan got Marvin ______ (type) by a mechanic. To type, because Marvin is doing an action that needs to be added a tobe for the word type 3.        We got our house ______ (paint) last week. Painted, because they did it last week, so for it to make sense it needs to be formed as a past sentence 4.        Dylan got his transcripts ______ (send) the university. Sent, because Dylan did send the transcript before the sentence was made. 5.        Selena is getting her hair ______ (cut) tomorrow. To be cut, because the action will be done by tomorrow Best Experience : It was year 2014, I had a school Ramadhan holiday for 2 weeks. I got invi...

Pekerjaan pada Bidang Informasi Teknologi

1. Data Scientist Data Scientist adalah generasi baru ahli data analitik yang memiliki keterampilan teknis untuk memecahkan masalah yang kompleks - dan rasa ingin tahu untuk mengeksplorasi masalah apa yang perlu dipecahkan. Sebagian dari data scientist adalah ahli matematika, computer science, dan pengintip tren. Dan, karena mereka mengeimbangkan dunia bisnis dan TI, mereka sangat dicari dan dibayar dengan baik. Data scientist juga merupakan pertanda zaman. Data Scientist tidak ada di banyak radar satu dekade lalu, tetapi popularitasnya yang tiba-tiba mencerminkan bagaimana bisnis sekarang berpikir tentang data besar. Massa informasi tidak terstruktur yang sulit itu tidak lagi dapat diabaikan dan dilupakan. Itu adalah tambang emas virtual yang membantu meningkatkan pendapatan - selama ada seseorang yang menggali dan menggali wawasan bisnis yang tidak ada yang berpikir untuk mencari sebelumnya. Banyak data scientist memulai karier mereka sebagai ahli statistik atau analis data...

Meeting 9 2

DIRECTION : Write a paragraph why you deserve to get an A for this subject For one, I did every assignment that was given to me. I hope that the assignments that I completed accordingly with the guidelines are one of the indications of my competence. Also, I attend every class on date respectfully and with a positive energy. I do not take this subject lightly as for this subject is a very important one for my development in the future for business if I ever need to communicate with anyone who doesn’t speak the same language as I am, generally we switch to English as it is officially the International Language.

Meeting 9

1.        Rita plays the violin (good/well) Well is correct. Because well describes actions, meanwhile good describes nouns 2.        That’s an (intense/intensely) novel. Intense is correct. Adding -ly to the end of an adjective turns the word into an adverb. The meaning of the word does not change, or comes from the same idea. 3.        Your cold sounds (terrible/terribly). Terrible  is correct. The verb which we are trying to describe is already said, then we complement it with “terrible” 4.        The tables has a (smooth/smoothly) surface. Smooth is correct. The verb surface is what we are trying to describe which is smooth. 5.        We don’t like to drink (bitter/bitterly) tea. Bitter is correct. The verb that we are trying to describe is the tea, which is after the sentence we are trying to identi...

4KA16 (MEETING 5-8)

4KA16 (MEETING 5-8) (30/4/2019) Task 1 (Affirmative Agreement) Direction: supply the correct form of the verb for the simple statement in each of the following sentences. Elaborate your reason. 1         Rose likes to fly, and her brother do too. 2         They will leave at noon, and I will too. 3         Their plane is arriving at nine o’clock, and so is mine. 4         I should go grocery shopping this afternoon, and so should my neighbour. 5         Our English teacher loves to travel, and so do we. Key for the answers of task 1: ·          affirmative statement (verb be) + and + [subject + verb (be) + too] OR [so + verb (be) + subject] ·          affirmative statement (compound verb) + and + [su...

Holiday Trip to Jakarta with Friends

It was the end of the 7 th  semester in Gunadarma University, we got really bored and plans for a trip to go to somewhere since the last time we go was 2 years ago (to Malang). So we decided to go to a place that is famous in North Jakarta, not Ancol, but  Pantai Indah Kapuk  short for PIK. My friends who came along the trip was Anastasia, Husnul, Bowo, Jodi, and Wiby. Everyone except for Bowo and I are all from Depok, so they depart together from Pondok Cina Station, since I live in South of Jakarta my friends told me to wait at the gathering point where it was close for Bowo (who drove a car from Bekasi) at Menteng station. Arrived in Menteng Station, after tirelessly searching for them where I have to go around the station to find them, We all finally met. Then we wait for Bowo to pick us up, although he arrived at the wrong side of the road and we are too tired and lazy to cross the road since it is a very big and dense traffic road. So Bowo has to turn aroun...

Kasus Cambridge Analytica, Facebook Data Breach

MASALAH PRIVASI FACEBOOK meningkat tajam pada hari Jumat ketika jaringan sosial mengungkapkan bahwa masalah keamanan yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya, ditemukan pada tanggal 25 September, berdampak pada hampir 50 juta akun pengguna. Tidak seperti skandal Cambridge Analytica, di mana perusahaan pihak ketiga secara keliru mengakses data yang telah disedot oleh aplikasi kuis yang sah, kerentanan ini memungkinkan penyerang untuk langsung mengambil alih akun pengguna. Bug yang mengaktifkan serangan sejak itu telah ditambal, menurut Facebook. Perusahaan mengatakan bahwa penyerang dapat melihat segala sesuatu di profil korban, meskipun masih belum jelas apakah itu termasuk pesan pribadi atau jika ada data yang disalahgunakan. Sebagai bagian dari perbaikan itu, Facebook secara otomatis mengeluarkan 90 juta pengguna Facebook dari akun mereka pada hari Jumat pagi, terhitung untuk 50 juta yang diketahui Facebook terkena dampaknya, dan tambahan 40 juta yang berpotensi bisa terjadi. Ke...